In 1974, my parents, Doug and Ileen Lindner, purchased their first grocery store in a small town called Hosmer, South Dakota. This was a bankrupted store that had seen better days with wood floors, coal heat, and leaky ceilings. My sister Susan and I grew up in that store. Times have changed since then, but we remember what the grocery business was like growing up, and what it has grown into for our family today.
Doug’s Supermarket was started in Warroad in 1991. Dollar Savers opened in 2003. We’ve had a lot of good help along the way. Our business would not have grown without the dedication and loyalty of many faithful employees
We are a family run business and believe in long lasting relationships. At all times, we recognize that without customers we would not have a job, and without good employees we would not have any customers. We value both roles that customers and employees fulfill within our store.
Thank you for your continued support of Doug’s Supermarkets.
Chuck & Bridget Lindner
Steve & Susan Hagen